Who is Golden Crown Panaderia?

Pratt G. Morales

Pratt Morales was born and raised in San Antonio Texas. After acquiring a BBA degree from St Mary’s University in San Antonio and a officer’s commission in the USAF, he moved to Albuquerque, NM in 1963. As the founder of the Golden Crown Panaderia, he has pursued his love for baking at the neighborhood level. In addition, Pratt is recognized nationally for his bread art and bread sculpture. He lectures on his subject matter at the university and college level. As Historian, he has also lectured on the art of the “staff of life” as used in culture of ancient civilizations such as the Aztecs in the Americas.


Christopher H. Morales
General Manger

The Baker’s son, Christopher H Morales grew up in the family business, Chris Graduated from Valley High school in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1996. In addition to being the general manager of the Golden Crown Panderia, he is also finishing his Associate’s Degree at TVI in computer animation and graphics.

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